Another Desiring God

Bethlehem on the Radio

Article by

Founder & Teacher,

Earlier this year the Council of Deacons approved a vision statement drafted by Cole Grace for developing a radio ministry of Bethlehem. Cole is willing and eager to serve as the producer of the program. The name of the ministry will be Desiring God—the same as the book. Mike Donley has composed an original and beautiful musical theme for the program. Some bequest money was approved for purchasing the recording equipment necessary. Cole has put together half a dozen half hour programs based on Sunday sermons, with the help of Brent Nelson as the host voice to open and close the program. Negotiations are in the final stages with KTIS as we seek air time with this station.

What is the goal?

The early Christians were accused by the authorities, “You have filled Jerusalem with your teaching.” This is what we would like to do. Radio is not the only way. It is not even the most important way. But it is one way. And it has the potential of spreading the teaching far beyond our city. Our aim in this is that God be glorified more and more as more and more people (evangelization) are more and more satisfied (edification) in Him and free from treasures on earth. Hence the name, Desiring GOD!

How will the radio ministry affect our services?

The services will not be changed for the sake of radio. Tapes of the sermons will be edited by producer Cole Grace to fit the half-hour format with any inappropriate local or personal comments edited out.

How will the ministry be funded?

Our aim is that the ministry be self-sustaining without taking any funds from the church, with the exception of the start up costs for equipment that have been approved from bequest money already in hand.

How will listener responses to the radio ministry be handled?

We are praying and searching for a person whom God is calling to be the volunteer “counseling coordinator” for the ministry. This person would put in place a team and a procedure for responding to people who call or write about the ministry. If God puts this in your heart to consider, see the next question and call Cole Grace.

What is the most urgent need at this time?

I would like to see a small support group form around this ministry and around producer Cole Grace the way other small groups have formed as support teams around some of our missionaries. Cole and I have talked and he is eager for this to happen. He is ready to lead such a small group. We both sense that the potential is great and that the spiritual warfare will be tough. We cannot really move forward until God raises up a group of people who will make this a part of their ministry at BBC. As this STAR (Taste & See) goes out Cole and I and the staff are praying that God will call a dozen or so of you to get behind this ministry. If you think he may be calling you, give Cole or Ruthann a ring.

Seeking your support,

Pastor John