I'm at the Doctor's Office with a Broken Leg

Article by

Founder & Teacher, desiringGod.org

Not mine! Rob Haglund's. Rob is our Intern for Senior Highers. He cracked a bone below the knee playing church basketball Sunday night after church. The emergency room strapped it up and told him to go to an orthopedic specialist Monday morning. I got word from Carol Steinbach and was glad to use our cream steamboat for an ambulance. So now Rob is back with the doctor.

One reason I was glad to help was because I wanted a good chance to show my appreciation to Rob for his work with our senior highers. Rob is a rare and wonderful person. I wish you all could work with him. What I value is the unusual combination of strength and fervor on the one hand with meekness and tenderness on the other. I want to be like Rob.

But not with a broken leg.

Now we are at Radiology in MMC. The doctor (who works on the Vikings' knees, too, we're told) wanted more pictures. There is a silly materialistic show on TV here in the waiting room. But it makes me glad for another Intern—Rick Stapleton. Rick is not silly or materialistic. He is earnest and God-centered. He leads our Junior High ministry. My son Karsten is in Rick's group. And I am very glad.

As we sat in admitting on the way to Radiology an Asian doctor walked by. And my mind turned to one other seminary colleague at Bethlehem, Phaitoon Hathamart. Phaitoon teaches the Lao congregation and leads them in worship. He is working on a Doctor of Ministry at Bethel. What I value most about Phaitoon is his zeal to win Asians to Christ. He goes to homes, holds Bible studies and draws in unbelievers. The stories at staff meeting are strong medicine for us.

God has been good to us at Bethlehem: Rob Haglund, Rick Stapleton, Phaitoon Hathamart.  And a broken leg? Well, it would be better to ask Rob. At least for myself, I thank God for these hours to show my love for Rob and to ponder the good providence of working with Phaitoon and Rick.

Pray for them with,

Pastor John