Don’t Lose Your Taste for God

Two-Minute Clip on the Essence of Evil

Audio Transcript

The ultimate essence of evil is the loss of taste for God as our all-satisfying life and joy. Or to flip the coin over, the ultimate essence of evil is a preference for other things, other people — anything created — more than God. That’s the ultimate essence of evil biblically.

I’m pleading with you to set your face like flint against that ultimate essence of evil. I want you to know and hate that about yourself and about the world, about me. I’m asking you and I’m pleading with you. I’m going to pray for you that you’ll spend the rest of your life growing in the blood-bought ecstasy of treasuring God above all things.

Hate the essence of evil in your heart and give yourself to going to Christ and embracing the alternative to the ultimate essence of evil, namely, I will find my treasure in Christ above all things. If you do that, then the majesty of God will be magnified in your joy in God. If you do that, the real ultimate triumph of Christ in his death and resurrection will not be diminished but made much of as it comes to fulfillment in your joy in God’s presence.

And your life will shine in the world with a thousand truly good deeds.

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