A Week of Concerted Prayer

“That the Power of Christ May Dwell in Us”

Article by

Founder & Teacher, Desiring God

O, how much we have to be thankful for! For example, read the Finances section.

But the grace of God is addicting. The more you experience his power, the more you want. So we enter 1983 thirsting for more of God. We say with Paul: O, “to know him and the power of his resurrection and to share his sufferings…” (Philippians 3:10). Whatever the cost, we want to have the power of Christ dwelling and moving in us (2 Corinthians 12:9).

So we begin the year again with a week of concerted prayer. This is a plea for you to be as much a part of the corporate events as you can. God really began to stir last year as we sought him in a concerted way. The volunteer prayer week planning group (Barb Beck, Paul Lindberg, Mike Rowe and Pastor John) have prepared a powerful week. Here is what you are invited to be a part of.

Sunday, January 2

  • Morning worship: “How to Buy Gold when You’re Broke” (Revelation 3:14-22).
  • Overflow room open for prayer during both services.
  • Book table open in foyer with books on prayer.
  • Noon fast and private prayer for the week.
  • Evening service: Panel: “Practical Help for Your Prayer Life” Bethlehem members; moderated by Pastor John

Monday, January 3

  • Noon fast and prayer in Conference Room. (Come and go as you can. If you can’t come, pray where you are, meet with others.)

Tuesday, January 4

  • Noon fast and prayer in Conference Room.

Wednesday, January 5

  • Noon fast and prayer in Conference Room.
  • 7:15 Solid prayer in the chapel for an hour. Let’s fill the first Wednesday of 1983 with prayer, and the chapel with pray-ers.

Thursday, January 6

  • Noon fast and prayer in Conference Room.

Friday, January 7

  • Noon fast and prayer in Conference Room.
  • 9:30 P.M. – 8:15 A.M. A Night of Prayer. What might God do if we longed for him enough to spend a whole night in prayer? Join us and find out. For most of us it will be the first time. (They do it in Korea every week!) The night has been well-planned into eleven units of time with hourly breaks for refreshment and for coming and going. There will be designated leaders in each unit and topic focuses.

Saturday, January 8

  • Noon fast and prayer in Conference Room.

Sunday, January 9

  • Morning worship: “Always pray and Do Not Lose Heart” (Luke 18:1-8).
  • Overflow room open for prayer during both services.
  • Book table in foyer.
  • Noon fast and private prayer
  • Evening service: “What has God Done This Week?" People speak to each other.

Also new this year will be the daily prayer guide written by Pastor John to unify our focus each day. These will be given out Sunday, January 2.

One of the most important prayers you can pray right now is: Lord, make us hungry to pray! If God is pleased to pour out a spirit of prayer on us in this week we will “know his power;” unbelievers will be converted; sinful habits will be broken; animosities will crumble; families will be healed; boldness for Christ will rise; hard people will become spiritually sensitive and tender; giving will be joyful and generous; young and old will be called into missions; sick among us will be healed; worship will become intense with yearning for God; vision for our future ministries will expand; young people will become serious about Christ; emotional disturbances will be eased…and all in all, Christ will be magnified.

Praying for your praying,

Pastor John