More Gratitude for Jon Bloom

Article by

Founder & Teacher,

Dear Jon,

Your faithfulness as the creator and leader of Desiring God has been a gift to me beyond all deserving or imagining for these last fifteen years.

Who would have dreamed the little church tape ministry would be Desiring God? God alone. You are exactly the leader Desiring God needs. You embody the spirit and life that I long for this ministry to awaken in others.

Some can say things accurately; you feel the preciousness of what is said and the reality behind it.

You have tasted the Treasure that Christ is.

You have drunk at the fountain of sovereign grace.

You have absorbed the humbling impact of the glory of free mercy.

You live the amazed life of gratitude for life-long forgiveness.

You have walked through the darkness and known the helplessness of human nature.

You have felt the infinite value of dawn rising over the empty tomb.

You have the fruit of the love for your staff and for the thousands who look to this ministry for glimpses of God’s glory.

You lead with a pastor’s heart and a wise mind.

I admire you. I am rich to know and work with you. I love you.
