Operation: Ten Talents

New Strategies for New Ventures in Missions

Article by

Founder & Teacher, Desiring God

I believe there are quality things in your houses worth $40,000 which you would not miss if a missionary needed them.

Most of us want to see a great missions movement at Bethlehem. We leap for joy that three of the six short-term missionaries the BGC needed for Japan are coming from Bethlehem (David Johnson, Mary Wittinger, Daryl Morrissey). We rejoice that Tom Steller will take twenty of our young people for a five-week course in missions at the U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena. We marvel that 95 people came to Missions at the Manse a month ago, and 98 men gathered last Saturday morning to pray and strategize for their support. What a joy to see the missions prayers of the old answered in the missions purpose of the young! May the Lord keep us united, old and young, in this greatest of all causes: global missions.

Strategies of fulfillment are sprouting in the soil of dreams. We have come up with a way to move forward a war-time lifestyle at home and at the same time mobilize for missions on the front lines. The idea is simple: we want to help you convert things and services into dollars for missions. Do you have boats, bikes, books, crafts, toys, furniture, appliances, tools, sporting goods, games, etc., that you wish could be made useful for the global cause of Christ? Well, they can be! We will take them, auction them off for you, give you a receipt and turn the money over to Bethlehem’s mission board for new ventures in missions.

For those who have more time and energy than things, you may sell services (typing, writing a will, raking leaves, painting, car repair, etc.).

This is not a rummage sale. We don’t want any junk. No lambs with broken legs on this altar! There are quality things around your house which you don’t need. We would like to help you simplify and scale down for the sake of your joy and missions advance.

Operation: Ten Talents will take place Saturday, May 19, at the church. Side by side with the sale and auction we will have an all-day free car wash in the parking lot. Here’s how it works. The car wash teams will be seeking pledges from you per car (e.g., a nickel, $.50, or $1.00 a car). The car wash will be offered free to anyone in the area. While their car is being washed they can take in the sale and auction. After the day is over we will tally up the number of cars and then the following week we will collect the pledges.

These creative strategies to support new ventures in missions have been approved by the missions board, the trustee board and the finance committee. All money collected will pass through the contingency fund of the missions board over and above current budget commitments.

You will get more detailed information soon. This Sunday survey forms will be passed out in the Sunday School classes to learn what kinds of things may be coming in. We hope everyone, from children to elderly, will get involved. I personally will be praying for $40,000 worth of sale items. The equity is there. Most of it sits idle. Let us turn it into missions for you!

Examining my home with you,

Pastor John