Pastor John’s Schedule
Several have asked to see my typical work schedule. So below is what the plan looks like. It assumes no funerals, no weddings, no crises, no speaking engagements. In general, I ask Julie to hold all calls during the hours of study and sermon preparation. Of course, in emergencies I am always available. And Pastor Glenn is accessible too (his day off is Monday). After one-and-a-half years of trying to study at church I have now moved most of my books home. Now I do all my studying and sermon preparation in my basement. If necessary I can be at the church in four minutes and to ten hospitals in seven minutes (I love our location).
Any member who desires to meet with me is welcome to make an appointment in the block on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday afternoons, Wednesday evenings, Sunday after services, or in a pinch, Monday or Tuesday evenings. Contrary to appearances, I do eat breakfast and do some calisthenics in the early morning.
God has been very good to me in the last two years. He has never loaded me with unexpected preparations or meetings that I could not bear. He knows our frame, that we are dust. My regret is that I do not have five lives to live for Jesus. I would live one of them visiting the unreached peoples, one writing books on theology, one creating ministries for the physical needs of the poor and one doing just what I am doing.