Prayer ‘90

Article by

Founder & Teacher, Desiring God

November 10 at 6:00 p.m.
St. Paul Civic Center

With all my heart I urge you to be a part of Prayer ’90. I don’t want any of you to be left out of what God is doing in the Twin Cities to bring extraordinary power to his church.

These annual prayer gatherings, together with the new cross-denominational pastors’ prayer meetings are, I believe, the first fruits of genuine revival. And genuine revival would be the launching pad for the final missionary thrust of this age.

So much is at stake! This is reality. The potential for a historic movement of the Spirit is so great! Try to imagine what it would be like if God swept the 1,000 protestant churches in the metro area into his arms and gave them an irresistible glimpse of his glory. Would not these cities be rocked by the power of courage and love and truth?

Concerted, united prayer for spiritual awakening and world evangelization has been God’s pattern in the past. J. Edwin Orr said,

The concerts of prayer for revival in the 1780’s in Great Britain and the 1790’s in the United States, and the renewed concert of prayer in both countries in 1815 and in several European realms besides, was clearly demonstrated to be the prime factor in motivating and equipping Christians for service in a worldwide movement which totally eclipsed the military might of the nations at the Battle of Waterloo.

David Bryant will be here again to lead us in the fourth annual Twin Cities Concert of Prayer. This time we will not be at the dome, but the St. Paul Civic Center.

The Pastoral staff sought the Lord about how many we should ask him to bring to Prayer ’90 from Bethlehem. We came to the number 500. Here is what we pray you will do.

  1. Ask God if he is calling you to engage in spiritual warfare at this level.
  2. As he leads, put Prayer ’90 on your calendar now (November 10, 6 pm)
  3. Fill out the green attendance card from the pew pocket next Sunday and put it in the offering plate so we can know how many are going and make some seating and transportation arrangements.
  4. Pray with us for the outpouring of the “Spirit of supplication” on our church as we unfold the “2000 by 2000” Vision in the weeks to come and pursue it for the next ten years!

Oh to be at the eye of the hurricane of God’s power when he blows in to awaken his church! Press on with me to know the Lord and to “be filled with all the fullness of God.”

Moving together into an unprecedented decade on our knees,

Pastor John