Reading for Your Own Soul and Others'

Article by

Founder & Teacher,

“Give me twenty-six lead soldiers, and I will conquer the world.” The words are Benjamin Franklin's. The soldiers are the alphabet. The point is: literature has great potential power.

It was the printed page, pouring from the Red presses, which guaranteed the success of the revolution in China. Lenin had said, “Every Communist must be actively engaged in the distribution of atheistic literature.”

John Wesley was a powerful writer and the founder in 1782 of Britain's first tract society. William Carey and Adoniram Judson found that the greatest effect of their ministry was accomplished through the tracts which they distributed in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the U.S., and many European countries.

Yet 50% of the people in the world today, says George Verwer (Director of Operation Mobilization) have never received a Christian tract, to say nothing of a portion of the Word of God itself. In our literature-laden land we cannot comprehend what a simple pamphlet means to millions of people in the world. But even here there is a huge gulf between Christian literature and those who need it most—the unbeliever.

Would you dream with me how we can bridge this gulf? One little possibility is to give copies of the BBC printed sermons to people you would like to invite to church. All the sermons are attractively reproduced and kept on file in the church office for sale (25 cents each).

Another possibility is to use our excellent library. Browse before and after services. When you find something that fires your own soul, buy it somewhere and give it as a gift with a note of personal testimony and a reference to some pages that were especially helpful.

Urging you on to other possibilities,

Pastor John