Search for the Minister for Children’s Discipleship

Article by

Founder & Teacher,

Before I left for Manila back in July, I put together with the staff a packet of information about Bethlehem and about the position of Minister for Children’s Discipleship so that, as soon as the church voted on SPAN II with its new job descriptions, we would be ready to begin the search even before I returned. So when the vote was affirmative, packets of information, inviting inquiries for the position were sent to the Baptist General Conference headquarters, all the 15 District Executive Ministers of the BGC, Bethel Seminary and several other evangelical seminaries, and The Standard. At the pastoral staff retreat August 28-29 we decided to send ads to Christianity Today, Twin Cities Christian, and World. Inquiries have begun to come in.

This is a time for earnest prayer. Few things are more important than the spiritual quality and unity of the staff. Building it is God’s work. He knows the person already. He loves the children. He knows the need. I think his purpose is to use prayer to pull all the pieces together.

Would you make it a matter of daily prayer that a full-time Minister for Children’s Discipleship would be on board by Thanksgiving!! That would be a wonderful miracle.

As you pray, if anyone comes to mind that you think would be good for us to consider, please speak to one of the staff or drop us a note. Your input could be very crucial in the search.

The procedure of selection and call is as follows. There are four groups that any new staff should be approved by before being called. The first is the pastoral staff who will work most closely with the new person. The second is the Board with whom the person will work most closely, in this case the C.E. Board. The third is the Council of Deacons who bring all such matters to the church body. And the fourth is the church acting as a whole. Other groups and individuals may be sought for counsel, but these will be the recommending groups.

We will keep you posted with as much information as is fair to give in public when a person’s career choice is at stake. Before any vote is taken you will receive full biographical information and have a chance to interact with the candidate.

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Why I am excited about Sunday Evening September 10

We will meet on the parking lot to the north (Lord willing! Pray about the weather!) where the new sanctuary will be. The chairs will stand where the pews will be. The outline of the building will be painted on the parking lot. The platform will be in its spot. The commons area and doors will be marked off. Balloons will fly at the height of the ceiling. The architects will be there to explain some things. Gene Sprinkel will give a SPAN I financial update. There will be refreshments afterward and time to look around and ask questions. I will bring a brief message from the Word. And best of all the worship team will lead us and you will fill the air with praise as we dedicate ourselves afresh to Spreading Praise to All Nations (and all Neighborhoods).

See you there,

Pastor John