Sources to Help You Speak Against Abortion

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Founder & Teacher,

Dear friends of life created in God's image,

This is mainly for pastors and teachers who want to say something in connection with the January sanctity of life effort. Don't think you don't know enough. One of the young men in our church just told me that this past week he spoke with a junior higher who did not know what abortion was! Never heard of it! If you know anything about abortion, you know enough to be helpful. Here are a few suggested resources:

  1. Pictures of the beautiful preborn.
  2. The S.L.E.D acronym is a very helpful summary of arguments against abortion.
  3. Warning! Stomach-turning graphic. A horrific video of an actual abortion.
  4. is a very compelling overall site with everything you need.
  5. Corrine and Brian Cords have put together displays that are visually provocative and educational for churches and schools to use.
  6. The Live Education And Resource Network have a web site highlighting the implications of abortion for the black community.
  7. A list of 15 arguments and facts against abortion that I put together some years ago.

May the Lord give you courage to address the carnage. I find it appalling that there are pastors and churches that never address this issue.

John Piper