Take Part in the Dream

Article by

Founder & Teacher, Desiring God

Important Congregational Meeting

Sunday evening, February 9, at 7:30, there will be an all—church discussion of a long range master plan developed by the Long Range Planning Committee of the Council of Deacons.

No action has been taken on this plan yet by the deacons, nor will the congregation be asked to vote on anything this Sunday evening. Rather, the plan is under consideration by the deacons and they desire to draw into the dreaming and discussing as many as will come on Sunday evening.

This will be a time of open expression for all. So please take the opportunity to express yourself if you have a dream for the future of our ministry together. I personally urge you to keep before your mind the question: What should we plan (under God's providence!) to be like in ten years? (Hint: Modest growth projections put the attendance in 1995 over 2000.  How should we think about this? Plan for it? Staff for it? Organize for it?)

Call for Congregational Action

After discussing the big picture on February 9, the deacons are making a formal recommendation that on Sunday evening, February 16, at 7:30 the church take action on the following motion:

We recommend to the congregation that Bethlehem Baptist Church engage the services of the income expansion team of the Baptist General Conference (led by Doug Anderson) to assist us in an income expansion effort with the challenge banquet to be held on May 4, 1986.

The immediate need for this over-and-above income expansion effort is to purchase the Litho property (if the sale goes through) and/or other available land and/or ministry projects. The specific amount that we will try to raise and the specific focuses of expenditure will be determined as soon as possible and presented to the church for discussion and approval.

May the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer!

Standing in grace with you,

Pastor John