Thanks—to “God” for This List

Article by

Founder & Teacher,

Thanks to Bruce Leafblad and the Sanctuary Choir for love’s labor and the fruit of beautiful praise last Sunday night.

Thanks to June Leafblad and the Children’s Choir for the best job of integrating the Asians into our life, for training our children so well, for so much memorizing, for amazing duets and quartets, for helping us “walk in sunlight.”

Thanks to Leah Harding who amazes me that she can look four places at once and make beautiful music (look: the fingers don’t even leave the hands!).

Thanks to lovers of music at BBC who filled the sanctuary last Sunday night—a great word of support to the choirs.

Thanks to generous givers at BBC who offered $7,577 for our regular ministries last week and $2,924 for Project ’84.

Thanks for a great attendance on Sunday morning, about 650 at the two worship services. Our second service is starting to look like a full church all by itself, even though 200 people still come at 8:30.

Thanks for those who have started to park behind 1212 8th Street to give lot spaces to visitors.

Thanks to Jim Lindholm for his faithful prayers and for those who drop requests in his box in the office.

Thanks to Toshavim for a great Holiday Meal served to 55+ last Saturday. What a great thing to experience that unity!

Thanks to Paul and JoLayne Widen for helping so willingly with the Asians, especially while Mrs. Martin is down (her pacemaker is in and working fine—she sleeps better and feels better on awakening).

Thanks to this year’s finance committee for all the work in preparing the ’83 budget.

Thanks to Dana Widboom for chairing the Deacon Council and to Mike Anderson and Donna Rasmussen and Dennis Smith for chairing the Boards in 1982.

Thanks to Clarence Ohman and Tim Olson for leading our growing Sunday School this year.

Thanks to Carol Steinbach and Elsie Viren for running a happy, efficient office.

Thanks to Gerda Melin and Ruth Peterson and Marion Bengtson and Linda Nelson for indispensable office assistance.

Thanks to Neil Grover and Jack Photisanh who have 600 bosses and keep smiling.

Thanks to my wife who keeps three boys fed, clothed, scrubbed, and laundered, makes great birthdays, sells advent calendars, speaks all over about Christmas, organizes Popcorn with the Pastor, decorates the sanctuary, makes everything for the open house, counsels the distressed, prays by my side, never complains, carries Halleluja through it all and sleeps like a baby beside me as I write this Sunday night.

Snuggling down,

Pastor John