The Great Commission in Reverse?

Article by

Founder & Teacher,

Taken from the August/September Ministry Opportunities booklet from Bethlehem Baptist Church, here is a taste of what globalization means for us:

In 2002, the Brookings Institute named the Twin Cities one of the top 10 “Gateway Cities” for new immigrants and refugees; in 2004, Minnesota was the #3 state for the same (and #1 per capita).

According to Dr. John Mayer, director of CityVision, Minneapolis/St. Paul is now home to the largest Somali and Hmong populations in the U.S., as well as the largest Chinese student population (University of Minnesota). The Phillips neighborhood, home to Bethlehem’s Downtown Campus, is the most diverse neighborhood in the country, with more than 100 different languages.

Did you know . . .

  • the light rail system sells tickets in four different languages?
  • Nicollet Avenue’s “Eat Street” has 75 ethnic restaurants in a six-block area?
  • Maple Grove is home to the largest Hindu temple in North America?...

“The Great Commission is now in reverse,” says Mayer. “People are coming here from all over the world.”