Don’t Waste Your Life
The American dream beckons people to spend their lives on trivial diversions, slipping through life caught up with seeking success, comfort, and pleasure above all else. But God designed people for far more than this.
In this best-selling book, John Piper makes a passionate plea to the next generation to avoid the dangers of a wasted life, calling us to take risks and make sacrifices that matter for eternity — with a single, soul-satisfying passion for the glory of God that seeks to make much of him in every sphere of our lives.
Piper’s thundering message and clarion call pierce the layers of nonsense that clutter our hearts and lives, mesmerizing and distracting us all from what matters most. Don’t Waste Your Life is a passionate and magnetic plea, drawing a generation back from the brink of irrelevant living, propelling them toward lives filled with the wonder of God.
Louie Giglio, Pastor, Atlanta, Georgia