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Good News of Great Joy

25 Advent meditations
by John Piper from Solid Joys

Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:10-11

We have a message of spectacular rescue: the love of God has rescued us from the wrath of God.

Christmas is about the Creator of the universe, who is not himself part of the universe, coming himself, in the person of his Son, into the world that he made. And what makes this fact even more remarkable is that even though this created universe is in rebellion against its Maker, he came into this world that he made in order to save those who are in active rebellion against him.

One of the clearest statements in all the Bible is 1 Timothy 1:15: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

What I want most for us this Christmas is seeing Christ in all his fullness and together loving what we see with a love far beyond our own half-hearted human capacities — a love made possible by the Holy Spirit.

I’d like to invite you to join me this Advent, beginning December 1, for 25 daily readings leading up to Christmas Day. But it doesn’t stop there. For many months now, I’ve been recording not just the 25 Advent readings but all 365 of our daily devotions called Solid Joys. So these daily meditations will continue long after Advent into the new year, as we savor, every day, the solid joys and lasting treasure we have in Jesus.

— John Piper