The Genesis of ‘Look at the Book’

Interview with Norm Funk | Westside Church | Vancouver, British Columbia

Let me just ask a question about Look at the Book. Why this now? What was the motivation behind it? How can people become involved in it? What do you see as the goal for it? What are your passions in relation to it?

I love the Bible because I love God, and the Bible is our only sure way to see him, know him, obey him, honor him, enjoy him. So I want to live the rest of my life in the Bible. In fact, when I retired from preaching at Bethlehem, I felt, “This is really big. This is big.” I’ve been doing this for a long time, and it’s a chapter that’s usually called the last chapter. I’m going to meet Jesus next. Next stop, heaven. What’s a good way to get ready? He has spoken. He has said a lot. So I just want to immerse myself. So I’m not talking to anybody else yet. Immerse myself in his words so that there are no surprises when I see him. I mean, there probably will be some. He’s God, and I’m not.

So it’s a very personal thing that the last chapter becomes a word-saturated chapter for me, just my own soul. Then I saw Khan Academy, this online teaching — not ministry. I don’t know what their faith orientation is, but they teach algebra and art history and economics.

My kids use it.

Your kids use it. All right. Well, I watched them do this, which is a black screen, and numbers appearing on the screen. I said, “I want to do that with the Bible. I want to do that with the Bible.” Have text on the screen, not John Piper’s face, just text, and my orange and yellow and green and red markings, underlining and drawing circles and helping people.

So here’s the real big outward motivation: I would like for people to be able to pick up their Bibles and see more than they think they can see. A lot of people are pretty pessimistic about how much they can get out of the Bible because they’ve depended on pastors and teachers and seminars and endless helps along the way. And I think the possibilities for ordinary folks getting more from the Bible about God for their lives is greater than they could imagine, and I just want to help that happen.

So how do they do that? If this is the first time they’re hearing about it, how can they find this? How does it work? has a landing page. You go to the top, right now, you have to do this. You go to the top, it says “more.” Click “more,” and under “more,” LAB. Look at the Book. Or they could just Google “Look at the Book, Piper, Desiring God,” or whatever. And then right now, we’re gathering two a week. So two times a week, we put up an 8–10 minute session — a LAB, we call it. Look at the Book, LAB. And there, they follow me. And they can do it slow. What makes this a little different from an audio podcast is that you do have to be looking at a screen. You can’t jog and do this, which cuts your listenership down.

Why would anybody want to do that though?

If you can’t drive and jog while doing it, then fewer people are going to do it. That’s okay. We want the people who really want to do this. So twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays right now, they can click through and watch this and linger. Some people use it for devotions, some people use it actually with their pen in hand to try to learn the method and technique.