What’s Wrong with Our Women

We don’t have a hard time thinking of men as depraved. After all, they are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime.

  • 90% of murders
  • 98% of sexual assaults
  • 93% of armed burglaries
  • 88% of simple assaults

That’s stunning. And it might reasonably lead you to think that men are more evil, and therefore more guilty and needy before God. But the trustworthy word of God teaches us otherwise.

John Piper recently spoke on the spiritual neediness of women and the renewal they can find in the gospel. In only 15 minutes, he showed that all of us — male and female — are utterly and thoroughly desperate apart from Christ, that our depravity hijacks men and women differently, and that Christ more than restores and renews a woman’s true womanhood when he makes her a part of his bride.

This message was one of eight short messages given at the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood National Conference.