Thinking. Loving. Doing.
A Call to Glorify God with Heart and Mind
, , , , , andHere is a call to holistic Christianity. A challenge to be thinkers, engaged and serious about knowing God. And to be feelers, pulsing with passion for Jesus and his gospel. And to be doers, endeavoring great acts of love for others.
Our Savior himself shows us that holistic Christianity is comprised of mind, heart, and hands. And he shows us that the Christian life is multidimensional — irreducibly and inseparably thinking, loving, and doing.
With contributions from Francis Chan, Rick Warren, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, and Thabiti Anyabwile, Thinking. Loving. Doing. extends a thorough and compelling invitation to experience the fullness of the Christian life.
I found this book to be a fascinating, challenging, insightful, practical, and surprisingly personal discussion of how Christians can grow in both knowledge and love.
Wayne Grudem, Professor, Phoenix Seminary
I know most of the contributors of this book pretty well. A couple of them I am glad to call friends. And a couple of them, to be honest, I have found myself at odds with on a few occasions. But that’s why I like this book. It shows the possibility for civil discourse, and it reminds us that it’s just as important to be nice as it is to be right. Allow it to move you closer to Jesus and closer to the poor. So read it and then—think. love. and act.
Shane Claiborne, Author, The Irresistible Revolution